Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Last Day in the Czech Republic

January 27th, 2014 was a wonderful day. It was my last full day in the place that had been my home for six weeks as well as mine and Tom's sixteen month anniversary. Sixteen months is a bit odd to celebrate but we weren't together for our one year, thirteenth and fourteenth month, and forgot about month 15. So, this one was going to be special!

First, we made bread. 

While the bread dough was rising we built a kick ass blanket fort! (Sorry about the weird gaps. Panorama program really didn't like these pictures and I was too lazy to fix it). To enter it we stepped from the chair over the blankets onto the step ladder. Then we descended like we were entering a submarine. After properly admiring our work we watched Star Wars Episode IV in the fort. Twenty minutes into the movie the bread was ready so we had a tasty snack break. Home made bread is so good! 

Once the movie was over there was an interlude of putting the blankets away and walking the dog.

Then it was dumpling making, playing games on the Wii Fit, eating gulash with dumplings, and playing board games with the family. 

All in all, a very fun day. 

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