Friday, September 25, 2009


An interesting thing I've noticed about Western is the varying amount of technology per classroom. Nowhere have I seen an ActivBoard which I suppose makes sense because they need bigger screens for a classroom of 100+ to see, but still. In my chemistry class our professor switches between using a nice projector onto a huge screen to a chalk board when he wants to elaborate. Anthropology has the same sort of projector set up, but has upgraded to a white board. While my math class has a white board, but no projector. There is an old overhead that he could probably use but I don't believe he will. A friend of mine though says that her professor uses an overhead. I don't remember a teacher using an overhead since the 7th grade. 8th grade was to beginning of upgrading to ActivBoards.

I suppose Eastlakers have it easy though. Friends in the Seattle school district were proud of the fact their entire school had two ActivBoards while we had one in every classroom.

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