Friday, November 6, 2009


My apologies for taking such a long time to write another update.

As most of you know, Halloween was this past weekend. I had a lot of fun hanging out with the girls on my floor. Many of us went to various dances together. Friday night we went to a dance in the Viking Union and on Saturday (Halloween) we went to a dance Nash was having. Friday was more fun, but that's okay...

I dressed up as the Queen of Hearts. I loved my costume, but sadly none of the pictures I took seemed to work out well. I may put my costume on again to take better pictures over Thanksgiving or something when I go home. I'll try to get some of the pictures that other floor mates took and see if any turned out better than mine and pout them up.

It turned out my RA was Alice!
( I never realized how long my hair was until I saw this pic)On Halloween I put my hair in a ponytail, I liked that better. :)
Some of my floor mates
(along with some guy who danced with us)



  1. Looks like fun! What's your hat made of?

  2. Glad you had a good time (and glad to see a blog post!) -- I hope midterms went/are going/will go well!
